Monday, August 16, 2010

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Well, I am finally starting up my very own blog, so watch out world you are now privy to all of my random thoughts and ramblings. You are warned. So, a bit about me... I'm highly sporatic and original (thanks to my fabulous ADHD!) and my interests really depend on my day of the week. I'm a vegetarian who loves the smell of BBQ and I watch football while knitting. Go figure.

So, I was inspired today by the Dylan Thomas poem "Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night." I've really been struggling with work and my company lately. When I finished my classes for my MBA, I applied to be a financial advisor only to meet massive resistance from the home office. Supposedly, I didn't preform well on their personality test or phone interview. Clearly, this is because I HAVE a personality and think for myself. Personally, I think the stuffed shirts can handle me. This week, another office administrator in our region became a financial advisor in about half the time it is suppose to take. Talk about a huge slap in the face. I have the education and the experience to be a financial advisor but the home office labeled me as average at best. Today, the words of Dylan Thomas popped into my head and I began to think about "raging against the dying of the light." My company is trying to kill my spirit and break me down but I refuse to conform to their standards! If I sit back and really, truly think about what their standards or what their ideal for a person should be- I don't want that. Look at what Wall St has done to this country! Do I really want to be like them? Do I really want to conform to that?? I will RAGE against the dying of the light in all of us!! Companies, bosses, teachers, parents, the media- all of them are trying to tell us how to be, what we should want, and what we should do. It's like who we are and what we do isn't good enough. Our self esteem and self worth suffers because of unrealistic expectations. Well, not any more. I am going to rage against the dying of self and I will not gently follow the crowd or do what is expected of me. So, my message to all of you is-

Rage, rage against the dying of the light


Crafty Mama said...

The knitting and football thing got a giggle out of me. :)

Your company (and line of work) has the tendency to suck the life out of people. What you've described is one of the exact reasons why I got out of the insurance market; because I'm not a stuffed shirt. And neither are you. It's hard to find something right, because there's so little to choose up there in that state of yours. Which is why I reiterate: COME BACK TO THE MOTHER STATE!!! :)

adventures in rhode island said...

amen, sista! great post, great message, and you are so much BETTER than what your company is looking for. keep ragin', girl.

Roller Coaster said...

i find my b.a. in business/economics makes me understand the insidious way business and money controls this country. fortunately, that also means i know how to fight it. and now you do, too. take that rage and that knowledge and figure out what YOU want to do (not what you think others think you should do)...